Re: New main vents, rmoved vents - no steam

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Posted by Jon on February 08, 2000 at 13:12:18:

In Reply to: Re: New main vents, rmoved vents - no steam posted by jtown on February 08, 2000 at 05:41:27:

I have the radiator(s) pitched down about a half inch over a 2ft run. I looked at one of the returns in the basement and it runs pretty much dead level with no pitch. Is there any way to tell where the blockage might be? If the return was blocked would that create this problem? Can I raise the radiators on the line, thus creating pitch in the return? Is this not a good idea? If there are solids blocking the way what can be done?

Sorry for rattling off all of these questions. I'd just like to tune the system since the prices to heat the house keep rising.

Again, thanks for the help.


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