Re: Oil fired boiler vs. gas fired boiler for residential heating?

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Posted by Louis Cipro on August 15, 2001 at 16:53:22:

In Reply to: Oil fired boiler vs. gas fired boiler for residential heating? posted by Jeff on June 24, 2001 at 14:51:03:

I converted to oil about seven years ago and love it. All my neighbors with gas boilers pay hundreds of dollars more in heat bills each month than I do. Gas has gone way up and with all the new uses for it that the gov. is pushing, I'll bet it'll continue to climb. If you look at the range of oil and gas prices over the past decade or more, oil has gone up and down, but today costs LESS per gallon (adjusted for inflation than it did). Sure, you should get it cleaned every year, but you should get any heating appliance cleaned every year and I enjoy the peace of mind from having it done.Properly installed, there should be NO smell or dirt,etc. in your house. In my area, oil would have to cost $1.80 a gallon to equal the cost of gas, yet I have a "cap" on my per gallon price not to exceed $1.29 a gallon all winter. By the way, I don't work for the oil heating industry!!

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