The Boiler Room

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We reserve the right to reject any submission from the list for any reason and at our discretion. Slanderous postings of any type are strictly forbidden and will be erased as soon as possible.

Remember before you submit, the guestbook is for greetings and comments only. If you require answers to technical questions, please use the Boiler Room Steam Forum, or for sales questions please visit the Equipment Sales Main Page.

Looking for information on a licence exam or becoming a stationary operator ? many good books on this subject can be found by clicking here. If you have questions please do not post them on this guestbook but rather at the Boiler Room Steam Forum. The forum was made exclusively for boiler related questions, this is a guestbook ONLY ! Please do not post request for assistance on this guestbook.

Looking for a job ? if you are seeking employment DO NOT POST YOUR REQUEST HERE. We offer a FREE resume and job board service, Click Here.

We point these issues out for your benefit to insure you are placing your information at a place that will be most beneficial to you. We offer these services for free, all we ask in return is to avoid improperly entered information as it serves to clutter our services making them less effective to the collective user base. We have been contacted by recruiters that have stated an inability to follow simple instructions make them less likely to contact the candidate so it is to your benefit to read the instructions.

Boiler Operator's Guide
by Anthony Lawrence Kohan

The Boiler Operator's Exam Preparation Guide
by Theodore B. Sauselein

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